The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a novel written by Paulo Coelho published in 1988. I am not into reading novels but one of my friends motivated me at a level that I decided to give it a try and you know what I realized that it might be a great novel by seeing its popularity but I am not a person to give reviews on novels because I haven't read many and don't belong to the mainstream of novel reviewers. Anyways, sometimes some novels get so much popularity that they become more popular just because they happen to be popular, its kinda induction effect. And then they are pushed into your throat like Hitler's Mein Kampf but not by force rather by persuasion by friends or relatives. In my humble opinion, Alchemist is just a novel with lots of inspirational stuff and a simple & straight story.  Here are some of the quotes I liked:
Fear of realizing the dream is one of the most difficult stages of reaching our hard fought battle to reach those dreams.
When someone sees the same people everyday, they wind up becoming a part of that person's life and then they want the person to change.
Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives but none about his or her own.
Fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself.

And there were many. More than just an entertaining novel it is about finding one's self destiny and that's the core theme of the entire novel. Reading The Alchemist is like putting something positive in your social resume. So go on, read it once so that people won't pity you by saying 'Haven't you read The Alchemist, its the best f**king novel ever'.

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